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von Edwin Groeneveld
19.09.2017, 09:26
Forum: HA-4 Player für Win
Thema: HA4 Player: Trouble with transpose with 2 drumkits
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 17595

Re: HA4 Player: Trouble with transpose with 2 drumkits

Hi Victor,

Maybe it is an idea to tell the costumers that the program only works good for Yamaha users. I want to use HA-4 Player on stage but that is not possible at this moment.

with regards,

Edwin Groeneveld
von Edwin Groeneveld
18.09.2017, 14:37
Forum: HA-4 Player für Win
Thema: HA4 Player: Trouble with transpose with 2 drumkits
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 17595

HA4 Player: Trouble with transpose with 2 drumkits

Hello Victor, When I transpose a midi in HA4 Player the drums on the second drumkits goes wrong. I hear drumsounds but when I transpose the song, the drums on that channel goes with the instruments. With other words, the drumkits on bv channel 9 also transpose. I also have MidiFile Optimizer and the...
von Edwin Groeneveld
26.06.2017, 18:31
Forum: HA-4 Player für iOS
Thema: HA4 IPad and 2 Drumkits
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 12796

HA4 IPad and 2 Drumkits

Hi people of Midiland, Frist I want to say it's great that you made a version of HA4 player for the ipad. In the most midifiles I use there are 2 drumkits. Some of them are on Channel 10 & 11 and some on Channel 9 & 10. The drumkits on 9 and 11 (in combination with 10) are giving not a drumsound but...